Doodle Maker
Doodle Maker

Doodle Maker World's Best Artificial Intelligence Video Creation Software Program

Written By: Amy Morgan

Tried of braking your piggy banks and emptying your pockets to pay all your profit away to some stranger? just so they can take up to a month to come up with a 60 second advertisement video that most likely wasent anything like you imagine your dream business being advertised? and then sell it to you for an outrageous price.
or are you waisting hours of your valuable time on experience equipment struggling with difficult instructions and codes that still dont provide you with meany options and opportunitys to bring the customized unique style you envisioned your niche being show cased to the world in.
you worked hard to build and create your business form the bottom up you shouldn't half to put yourself through all that frustration just for a 90 second video that mostly dident completely capture the gist of what you wanted to say.
   Do your self a favor stop dealing with ad sales and frustrating expensive equipment. stop pulling all those gray hairs (the stress of this pandemic has caused) out of your head stressing over how you are going to bring in more business and keep the income that helps your family thrive coming in.
because in this review i will tell you.
   In this review i will provide you information on.
•what doodle maker dose.
•how it could help you
•who this tool would benefit and how
•how this tool can help you through this pandemic
•how to use doodle maker
then i will provide you with the link ware you can perches this software program and set up your personalized affordable plan.

• What is doodle maker and what dose it do?

Doodle marker also provides you with up to 160 different unique accents and voices you can choose from in over 60 different languages!
you can even create and use your own voice over, with your own voice.
    They have finally made it easier to get in touch with the future of video creation.
doodle video maker software program also provides you with.

▪colour doodle video's
▪A I photo background remover
▪make unlimited video's
▪full HD 1080P videos
▪royalty- free music library
▪sell video's to clients
▪300 ready-made templates
▪text-to-speech in 60 different languages
▪1-click language translation
▪millions of doodle assets
▪ photo to sketch converter
▪drag and drop video editor.

•How doodle MAKER can help you?

Doodle maker will help you bring in passive income by helping you promote your product or service with a creative doodle cartoon video, doodle videos are whats in style with everything being online doodle videos are easily shared and posited to all kinds of different social media sites, Google , YouTube or you can even record it and show it for a presentation or send it in an email, or txt and instead of putting your vewiers through a long boring slide show or makeing them half to read through a written advertisement. Intrigue thare interest with an entertaining doodle video.
    Create your own little cartoon to get your point across to your vewiers get doodle maker and improve your business to bring people in with your fun creative doodle videos and watch your income grow and your business progress. You will help the world see you and what you can do with doodle maker.

•Who would this tool benefit and how?

Doodle video's can be used for more then just advertisement.
Teachers you could use doodle videos to get your students engaged in what ever subject you are teaching them with a creative entertaining cartoon that you can customize to your students specific needs. You can create a cartoon of the Revolutionary War to teach your students history or send them a doodle video of you teaching math class… Times have changed, also everything is online including school and some students are having trouble adjusting to not being in a classroom. Help them visualize the class room with doodle videos. They will have fun sharing your doodle videos with thare class mates .
   Everyone learns differently, so reach out to your student's in the unique way you know they learn best.
   Add a since of humor and make a funny educational cartoon that will catch thare attention and keep them interested.
   This would be a great way to improve your test results and hopefully get yourself closer to that raise, and closer to your students.
   Become the fun teacher everyone loves to learn from despite the fact that you can't be thare in the classroom doing fun activities to help them learn.
This pandemic is fighting against you! Take advantage of this futuristic tool and fight back! With doodle maker!

You could also find this tool useful if you work at a corporate office use it to create an entertaining presentation to show case to your boss in the conference room be the alsome guy or girl that relived the tension in that boring conference room by geting your point across with a fun unique doodle video bring your presentation to life and become the star of the office by bring a smile to the stressed out faces of the big scary conference room. Make them all anticipate your next presentation with excitement. They will be scratching at the door to see your next doodle video on your next big brilliant idea.
   Need to make a presentation to present to Tokyo or a foreign country, but you only know English? No problem doodle maker comes with its own built in language translator and offers up to 60 different languages you can use to create your doodle video, in any language so nothing will stand in your way of broad casting your big brilliant ideas to the world.
   Alot of big corporations and franchise companies and businesses use doodle maker to create thare advertisements and they love it mostly because of thare free deals on commercial rights.
   Get with the flow of the future and broadcast your ideas, services, or products to the world with doodle videos!

  Even counselors like crisis counselors therapists and skill builders could find this tool useful, because of this pandemic counselors and therapist have not been able to be there for thare clients that have mental disabilities thats making it difficult to get them selves up in the morning and do what they need to do in fear that everything will go wrong
because to them everything always go's wrong, so here's a therapeutic idea to help motivate them to get up and go through with their to do list with out having to go out and risk catching covid. You could use doodle maker to make a doodle video of them getting out of bed and doing what ever it is they do to wake up and get things done that they need to do. You can personlize it to make the doodle star of your video look like them and show them a cartoon of them selves getting stuff done and feeling accomplished at the end of the doodle video when they did what they where supposed to do and everything went well in the video, this would encourage them to wake up and go through out the day like in the video. You can show them the good out come of getting out of bed and getting stuff done.
   Go the extra mile for your clients and show them that you care with a creative doodle video and help motivate them by starting thare day out with a positive out look on how the day could go.

Maybe you just wonna see ware your over active imagination could take you in life. with this pandemic we are stuck inside watching the same boring cartoons over and over again while the kids lose interest, because they have already seen all the episode of what used to be their favorite show, also it was your ticket to some peace and quiet. They are going to begin looking for other ways to entertain them selves while this pandemic has them cupped up in the house. Witch will most likely involve driving you crazy as if being trapped in the house is'nt already driving you crazy enough.
so do the world a favor and save the parents of America from insanity, and put your imagination to the test who knows you could save the future with your doodle video cartoon.
With doodle maker videos you can create your own cartoon and sell it to the highest bidder.           Unlike other expensive equipment doodle make has really good deals and sales on commercial rights making it easy and affordable to start a carear with doodle maker videos. All you half to do is click, doodle, and profit.

• How can this tool help you through this pandemic?

Sadly this pandemic has knocked alot of us down, also alot of people have lost thare jobs or business. You need new creative ways to bring in new costumers to replace the ones that you lost do to the rath of covid fight back with doodle videos. You will be able to create doodle videos for an advertisement in any language that way you can communicate your ideas or thoughts too the hole world. You will be able to post your doodle video anywhere online, and patent it with your personal logo.

Online is the safest way to do thing's now days you can make your online business become the next big thing with doodle videos.
   Keep the income coming in so you can provide for your family in spite of this pandemic knocking your business down to rock bottom. You can use doodle maker to climb your way back to the top again fight back with doodle videos!
   During this pandemic everything is safer if its online, online businesses are booming right now.
   Doodle maker videos not only makes it easier and way more affordable, but its also a fun creative way to figure out how you can work from home and stay safe.
   Can't think of a way to work your particular job from home try affiliate marketing, thats what im doing. 😊

•How to use doodle maker?

Unlike other expensive equipment you dont need any tech skills to create your own personalized affordable doodle video. Now to bring your career to life online from home in a matter of minutes. You can create a creative doodle video on doodle maker in 3 simple steps simply Click, Doodle, and Profit.
   You can even sell your videos on doodle maker for more profit in your pocket, and maybe your video could help others in the same way it helped you. Who knows you could become famous off of your doodle video.
   Doodle maker provides you with 300+ different templates you can customize and add too. You could even add your own background from your photo gallery and create your own voice over with your own voice, or choice from 1 of the 160 different voice overs and accents that doodle maker provides you with. Then you can easily sell your customized cartoon doodle video on doodle maker for 300$ to 500$ each.
   After you click on this link and get your package all you have to do is start making videos.

• First you will want to click on NEW PRODUCT FROM TEMPLATE.
   Then you will be able to choose from a whiteboard, blackboard or glass board. ( I would recommend the Whiteboard or glass board).
   At this point you will also be asked to chose from several different female and male doodle hands. Now (These are the hands that will be drawing your doodle videos, icons, and text that you add to your video). You will be given the opportunity to change these features at anytime if you change your mind.
   You will also be given the opportunity to search different templates in the search bar at the top of the page, after you type in some kind of keyword of your business service you proved, the subject you are teaching, or the products you are advertising with doodle maker, it will find all the best templates for your specific needs. You can even use your own if you already have one. Also (you may be able to find a tutorial video on youtube on how to go about that)…

• The next step you will need to do is create and organize your "slides" or " scenes" that will combined together to make your doodle video.
   You will be allowed to add scenes to make your video longer or you can even remove scenes to make your video shorter.
You can do this by simply clicking the plus + symbol in the corner, infront of the numbers of available slides. This will add aother scene to your video. Now if you click the little red trash can icon in the right hand corner this will delete the sence from your video. You can add up to 20 different scenes to combine them together and make your own personalized doodle video in any language of your choice.

• The next step is to add your script. You can add words you want to be written somewhere in one of your slides or you can use doodle audio to create a voice over, and have a cartoon doodle character of your choosing narrate your doodle video in up to 160 different voices and accents and over 60 different languages, or you can even use your own voice.
   Under your template you will see a box where you can type what ever you want your video to say.
   If you click on the edit text button above the box where you will text your skript in the right hand corner you will be able to edit and add to your text at anytime.
   You can customize your doodle video by taking keywords and finding images and icons to add to your doodle video that will express your niche.
   Once you have made your changes simply click rebuild scene and your changes will be automatically interpreted into your scene, also you can do this with each individual scene.

• Next you will want to check out doodle makers voice over options. You have 3 options. You can use a TTS voice over (and choose 1 out of 160 different voice and accents doodle maker provides you with).
   The other option is to upload a voice over from your media, ( witch means you could upload a song to play in the background of your doodle video or you could use a voice over from an existing video that you have downloaded).
   You could even record your own voice, and create your own voice over to make it more personal . I would suggest this mostly to teachers using this tool.
Now to do this just simply go to the voice options on the far right hand side of the screen. Now if you choice to use a doodle voice over you will select the TTS voice over option.
   Then you will be asked to choice from doodle makers wide selection of different voices and accents for example English/ Australian, English/British…. and over 160 more different ascents. You can also try out what doodle maker calls there premium voices. These voices are the more professional voices. Now (i would recommend this to the people trying to put together a strong advertisement or presentation for the conference room.)
   You will also be able to choice between several different male and female voices.
   This voice will be the narrator of your doodle maker video. Meaning whatever voice and accents you chose is how it will sound when the voice of your choosing narrator reads the text you put in your script box, also you can edit at any time.
   You will also be able to take advantage of one of doodle makers unique qualities and choose the speed of the voice that is speaking, this makes it vary easy to get your video to be perfectly insync with your voice over or music you have playing in the background.
   To do this simply click on TTS speed and you will be allowed to choose how fast you would like your voice over to speak.
   Doodle maker also makes it easy to upload voice overs you have saved onto your computer with thare simple 1-click and drag system. Simply go to the upload option under voice over options, click and drag your download into the upload box provided.
   You will also so have the option to record your own voice over. To do this you will need to select the record option under voice over options. Once you are ready to record your voice just simply hit the record button (the microphone icon).
   This will flash with a red outline, this is to indicate when you are recording.

• Next you will want to customize your video further. If you scroll down directly under the voice options box you will see a box with all the different tools doodle maker offers you to assist you in creating and personalizing the perfect doodle video.
   If you click on the language icon you will be provided with over 60+ languages you can choose from, now this tool will translate anything you text into your script box, in to any language of your choosing. This will be the language that your voiceover voice you chose earlier, will be speaking in your video. However ( I would mostly recommend this particulate tool to the teachers out they're teaching foreign languages).
Be sure to click the auto translate option located directly under where you selected your language for your text to be automatically translated into the language of your choosing. This will insure that any changes you make from this point on will be automatically translated in your script and interpreted into your video correctly.
   To make changes to your skript simply go to the box below that specific slide and click edit text to make what ever changes you would like to make and click the save text button on the left hand corner.
   Under your script box thair will be another box (if you chose to use a foreign language in your video), that will have your script rewritten in what ever language you chose your video to be narrated in. Then you simply click update video and your text will be automatically translated and interpreted in to your voice over, so that you can easily speak to your vewiers in what ever language you want.

•The next unique tool doodle maker provides you with is there advanced technology library, right besides the language tool you will see a folder icon labeled library.
This tool will assist you in finding icons and images for your particular niche. This is also where you will be able to upload and add your own images.
If you click on the icon finder you will be given the option to search keywords in your niche and doodle maker will doodle you several different icons images or scenes you can interpret into each individual “slide” or “scene “. To create and complete your own personalized doodle video. You can even upload your own images, and doodlemaker will make it easy to resize and crop any icons or images as needed and you will be able to click and drag them to anywhere you want them on the screen.
To upload your own image simply click upload image and select an image of your choosing from your gallery or upload one from Google. You will be able to freely move, place, and resize this image or icon with just a simple click of the mousse.
The next tool you will find good use for is the T icon this is the text tool. Here you will be allowed to interpret any kind of text you want to appear on the screen in that scene. You will also be allowed to change the font and font size with this tool.
To see an example of what your text will look like in the font and size you chose. Simply hit the preview button.
Then just hit insert scene button, and just like that it will be inserted into a scene in your doodle video. You will be allowed to click and drag it to ware ever you want it to appear on the screen.

• The next tool on doodle maker is the hand icon labeled hands.
This is ware you will choose from several different male and female hands. This will be the hand that will appear in your video drawing and wrighting your doodle video.

• Under that you will find a music icon labeled soundtracks. This is where doodle maker provides several different soundtracks that you can choose from to play in the background of your doodle video.
After you review and update your soundtrack doodle maker will automatically update to play the music of your choosing in the background of your doodle video.

• The next tool doodle maker provides you with is the background tool. With this tool you will be allowed to change the background of your video, also you can chose your own image uploaded from your computer or you can choose from a blackboard, whiteboard, or glass board background. However the glass board background will effect the direction the doodle hand is facing.
▪Blackboard is where the hole background on your canvase is black. keep in mind when you chose this option all of your text icons and images will be automatically switched from black to white this is so that they can be seen agents the black background.
▪Whiteboard background is ware the background is completely white. this makes it easier to see any text or images in your doodle video.
▪Glassboard background is basically when everything is drawn in the opposite direction.
▪Customized color background is where doodle maker will allow you to chose and customise your own background color chosen from various different shades and colors from doodle makers color wheel.
▪Image background unlike most softwares doodle maker provides you with the unique opportunity to add an uploaded image to the background of your doodle video, ( I personally cant wait to try this out).

• The next tool is vary important, (your logo). Brand your video with your logo. This is a faded or darkened icon usely hidden in the bottom corner of alot of professional advertisment videos. Now with doodle maker you can do the same thing with your doodle video brand it with your personalized icon, image, signature brand name, or the name of your business….
To do this you will need to go to the watermark tool. Where you will be allowed to upload your own personal logo, with just a simple click and drag. You will be able to show this logo in the corner of every slide you will also be able to resize it and move it to where ever you want it to appear on the screen in your doodle video. You can even customize it to fade in and out of whatever scenes you want it to appear in through out your customized and now branded with your personal logo, doodle video.
You will be able to use this tool to control the opacity of your logo this will make it easy to control the darkness and boldness of your logo in each slide, or you can also make it more transparent by simply lessening the opacity .
This watermark will automatically appear in the corner of every slide with the same transparency you selected.

• And the final tool doodle maker provides you with is settings. This is where you will be able to change the name of your doodle video. This will help you in keeping all your different videos and projects organized, when you end up having so much fun making your first video you will find that you love doodle maker and want to make more and more doodle videos to add to your collection. You even possibly use your videos to create passive income for your family.
You will want to use the settings tool to rename your projects so that you can keep all your amazing ideas organized. This will also make it easier to sell videos on doodle maker.
Dont quit your job and just give up because life throws us a pandemic that has us trapped at home. Fight back, find a way to work from home, online, with doodle maker . Keep your viewers glued to the screen with your doodle video’s and keep that passive income coming in!